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SUM IF between two dates and another criterion

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  1. #1
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    Question SUM IF between two dates and another criterion


    So I'm trying to pull combined sales data of an item between certain dates. The sheet I'm pulling from has the data by day so I'd need it combined for the specific dates queried using the item number.

    Currently I was trying =SUMIFS(MIS!G:G,MIS!D:D,">="&DATE('PV Database'!O:O),MIS!D:D"<="&DATE('PV Database'!P:P),[[Item Number]]=MIS!A:A) but it doesn't seem to work...

    The "at" from [item number] was removed due to the site thinking it was a link.

    "MIS G" contains sales by day
    "MIS D" contains the date by day
    "PV Database O" contains start date
    "PV Database P" contains end date
    "MIS A" contains the item number

    Apologies I can't share the document! Hopefully what I've noted here makes sense to someone...


  2. #2
    Forum Expert PaulM100's Avatar
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    Re: SUM IF between two dates and another criterion

    Why are trying to use column of dates from different sheets as End date and start date? it should be just one cell for each, something like:

    =SUMIFS(MIS!$G:$G,MIS!$D:$D,">="&'PV Database'!$O$2,MIS!$D:$D,"<="&'PV Database'!$P$2,MIS!$A:$A,'PV Database'!A2)

    If you have multiple start and end dats for each item, then unlock the row number of the dates in above formula and drag it down.

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