Hi Ford,
Sorry about this, turns out it's a little more complicated than I initially thought - there needs to be an additional layer of criteria in the formula that directs existing formula to only return headcount if there is case quantity data across from the material data being looked up.
for example, current formula is {=SUM(SUMIF('HC and Cases Per Hour'!$A$5:$A$132,A8:A13,'HC and Cases Per Hour'!$F$5:$F$132))} - it needs to also consider only returning a value for a match when cases are scheduled to be produced against it, and only return the headcount required for that material being produced.
So in the attached workbook, for the 6 examples listed, the expected result for the formula would be as follows - only returning headcount for matched mateirals that have corresponding production planned against them on the given day - does this make sense?
C14 = 34
D14 = 34
F14 = 10
G14 = 10
I14 = 11
J14 = 11
L14 = 13
M14 = 13
O14 = 14
P14 = 14
R14 = 14
S14 = 14
Sorry again Ford, I though we had it the first time around.