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Consolidating two ranks into an overall ranking

  1. #1
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    Consolidating two ranks into an overall ranking

    Hi I'm looking for some help with this - I have restaurants ranked by rating in one column and also ranked by distance in another column. I would like to create a third column that gives an overall rank based on rating AND distance. 1 would be the highest ranking. Any advice on how best to do this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you

  2. #2
    Forum Expert 63falcondude's Avatar
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    Re: Consolidating two ranks into an overall ranking

    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    What about adding the rating and distance ranks together then ranking based on that?

    If you would like more specific help, consider uploading a small representative sample of your data along with the desired result (which you can enter manually) based on that sample data.

    To upload an Excel workbook, follow these steps:
    1) Click on "Go Advanced"
    2) Click on "Manage Attachments"
    3) Click on "Choose File"
    4) Choose your file and click on "Open"
    5) Click on "Upload"
    6) Click on "Close this window"

  3. #3
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Consolidating two ranks into an overall ranking

    Seems to me you would need to create some sort of factor, based either on those rankings or the actual data, with maybe a weighting for 1 or the other, depending on your preference (is quality 3x as important as distance etc).
    Then base the new ranking on that weighted value list
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  4. #4
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    Re: Consolidating two ranks into an overall ranking

    You could create a weighted ranking in the 3rd column with correlating cells devoted to adjusting the weight given to both distance and weighting. Formula would be =(cell with first rank * $cell with weight value$)+(cell with second rank * $cell with weight value$). Lock in the cells with the weights and autofill down.

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