Hi Excel Forum Community,

I'm brand new to this forum and quite a newbie when it comes to excel.

I'm trying to tackle formulas in excel in order to make sense of a large amount of data I have downloaded. The data downloaded has loads of information I am not interested in. Basically, it's a collection of thousands of coordinates, which each one of them is associated 5 values (Type, Vp, Vs, Density, Thickness, Top). I am only interested in the "Top" value which effectively corresponds of to the depth position of each layer of the earth. The data is organised as follow: Water, Upper_seds, Middle_Seds, Lower_Seds, Upper_Crust, Middle_Crust, Lower_Crust and Mantle. I'd like to have each one of the previous titles to be a column with it's associated "Top" value organised under. Is that even possible with formulas?

Hopefully, this is not in the wrong thread if it is apologies in advance.

It happens that for one coordinate not all value for every 8 layers of the earth is present and it would be ideal if the value was just replaced with the previous columns exact same value.

I have been trying to extract the depth value of each layer at a given point and assigning it to a specific column without much luck at all for the moment and that's after spending a couple of days reading through blogs dedicated to the subject. Could anybody give me a hand in trying to make sense of all this information?

I hope I've been clear in explaining my issue, I'd be happy to answer any questions.
