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PPC budget calculator

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Martus PPC budget calculator 04-30-2018, 10:29 AM
davsth Re: PPC budget calculator 04-30-2018, 10:59 AM
Martus Re: PPC budget calculator 04-30-2018, 11:16 AM
JeteMc Re: PPC budget calculator 05-05-2018, 07:58 AM
Martus Re: PPC budget calculator 05-11-2018, 05:40 AM
JeteMc Re: PPC budget calculator 05-11-2018, 08:42 AM
  1. #1
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    Question PPC budget calculator

    This is my first post ever so will try to be as descriptive as possible but let me know if more details are required.

    I have a task to create a paid advertising calculator. We have a different budget for paid advertising every month and want to spend it fully and proportionally. The most at the beginning of the month and less towards the end. Day of the week is also important, as we know that spending on a Monday really pays off, whereas spending on a Saturday/Sunday is not so important.

    So I have a budget and 2 % weights: one for day of the month and the other for day of the week. The challenge is to take the budget and split it fully according to the weights so that when the PPC Manager enters the new budget amount at the beginning of the month, she can see how much she has to spend per day.

    I tried creating the calculator by week but couldn't quite get there, as it only works if Monday is always the 1st day of the month.

    I also tried doing it by day of the month but only could get the day of the month weight included. No idea how to calculate in the weekday weight.

    I'm attaching my workbook:

    - Columns A-I include the calculation by week (you can see cell E7 implied that in May Monday is 1st month, which is incorrect)
    - Columns K-N - tried calculating by day
    - Columns P- X - my look ups (% values have been assigned manually - what I think looks right)

    Any tips would be hugely appreciated!
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  2. #2
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    Re: PPC budget calculator

    I am thinking about a formula but by your logic a month can have 6 weeks! for Example July! so your sheet is out to start with!

  3. #3
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    Re: PPC budget calculator

    Yes you are right there! I think it's best to approach this by day not by week.

  4. #4
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    Re: PPC budget calculator

    Hello Martus and Welcome to Excel Forum.
    Perhaps this will be a starting place. Using the table in columns K:N and the percentages in R10:R17
    1) Type the first date of the month into K8,
    2) K9 and down is populated using: =K8+1
    3) L8 and down is populated using: =IF(MONTH(K8)=MONTH(K$8),TEXT(K8,"ddd"),"")
    4) M8 and down is populated using: =INDEX(R$10:R$16,MATCH(L8,Q$10:Q$16,0))/COUNTIFS(L$8:L$38,L8)
    5) N8 and down is populated using: =N$5*M8
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  5. #5
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    Re: PPC budget calculator

    Hello JeteMc,

    Thank you very much for your warm welcome and the calculated sheet.

    All makes sense and it does give me calculated budget by day, weighted by day of the week.

    Is it possible to also weight it by day of the month, with lowest % assigned to the beginning of the month and highest to the end of the month?

    Many thanks!

  6. #6
    Forum Guru
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    Re: PPC budget calculator

    Here is a possibility based on the table in S25:V56
    In column O the percentage is calculated using:
    Formula: copy to clipboard

    In column P the daily budget is calculated using: =N8*(1+O8)
    Note that the sum of column P doesn't match the value in N5. We can look into ways to rectify the surplus if the above process is acceptable.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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