Try this:
in B3: =DATEDIF(A3,TODAY(),"Y")
in C3: =LOOKUP(B3,{0,1,2,3,5},{"< 1 Year","1-2 Years","2-3 Years","3-5 Years","> 5 Years"})
Try this:
in B3: =DATEDIF(A3,TODAY(),"Y")
in C3: =LOOKUP(B3,{0,1,2,3,5},{"< 1 Year","1-2 Years","2-3 Years","3-5 Years","> 5 Years"})
How do I get the 'DATEDIF'?
When I press = I only have two options, DATE and DATEVALUE?
Date-Dif, This function doesn't exist as other function but mystically it works. You will have to put =DATEDIF(STARTDATE, ENDDATE,Option)
An option can be as below.
"Y" Difference in complete years
"M" Difference in complete months
"D" Difference in days
"MD" Difference in days, ignoring months and years
"YM" Difference in months, ignoring days and years
"YD" Difference in days, ignoring years
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