I am wondering is is possible to automatically copy a row of data from one table to another table depending on a cell input in the first table.

Example say table one had the following

SB | 09:45 | 2L22 | 85425 | 465526 | 1 | 0 |
SB | 10:05 | 3Q5 | 85456 | 458526 | 1 | 1 |
JB | 11:00 | 3H55 | 85542 | 465258 | 0 | 0 |
JB | 11:50 | 2L22 | 85452 | 475625 | 1 | 1 |

Now I need want JB data and SB data in a separate chart. So can I have a separate table with a function like IF (cell 1 on table 1)= JB (copy this row into table 2 for each row) and then the same for SB in a third table

Then I could easily do the maths to make a chart on JB data input.