I have a cell with a formula that determines the last code used on a list of items Ex. T1312. What formula can I use to read the code that should be used next, which would be T1313 (T1312+1). The prefix T always stays T.
I have a cell with a formula that determines the last code used on a list of items Ex. T1312. What formula can I use to read the code that should be used next, which would be T1313 (T1312+1). The prefix T always stays T.
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I probably did not explain my situation correctly. I have a list of Vendors with a code assigned to each one. Column A for the vendor code, column B for the Vendor's name. Vendor's name get added daily alphabetically, therefore the codes are not necessarily in order. In order to know what code is available to use next, I have a formula give me the highest value on the column of Vendors Code, with that I can tell which code should be used next. To make it easier, I would like to have a formula that will read the next code available to use, that is, if the highest value (last code used) was 1312, the next one to use should be 1313.
if you have T1312 in (for example) A2 all you have to do is grab the lower right corner box and drag down and it will index to T1313.
or if you want a formula this would work... ="T"&ROW(A1312) and drag that down.
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Sam Capricci
I probably did not explain my situation correctly. I have a list of Vendors with a code assigned to each one. Column A for the vendor code, column B for the Vendor's name. Vendor's name get added daily alphabetically, therefore the codes are not necessarily in order. In order to know what code is available to use next, I have a formula give me the highest value on the column of Vendors Code, with that I can tell which code should be used next. To make it easier, I would like to have a formula that will read the next code available to use, that is, if the highest value (last code used) was 1312, the next one to use should be 1313.
may be try this formula
It worked! Thank you so much! It does exactly what I've been trying to accomplish.="T"&MID(C1,2,10)+1![]()
Last edited by AliGW; 04-02-2018 at 08:33 AM.
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Quang PT
so if you have the last value in cell C1 then use this in C2
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