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=SUMIF counting product to count date specific

  1. #1
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    =SUMIF counting product to count date specific

    hi all , im having a little bother with a formula that counts my projected stock - it counts 3 days worth and I need it to count how much projected I have for each day going forward

    in my tab "weekly optimisation report" column f g and h are what I project to make for the next 3 days when A matches T in flowrap generation

    like so
    =SUMIF('flowrap generation'!T:T,'weekly optimisation report '!A8,'flowrap generation'!V:V)

    I need it to split the figure so it also matches the date in "weekly optimisation report " F7 , G7 and H7 when the same date appears in flowrap generation column B

    I hope that all makes sense :-)
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  2. #2
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    Re: =SUMIF counting product to count date specific

    Try this in
    For F8: =SUMIFS('flowrap generation'!$V$2:$V$135,'flowrap generation'!$T$2:$T$135,$A$8,'flowrap generation'!$B$2:$B$135,F$7)
    For G8: =SUMIFS('flowrap generation'!$V$2:$V$135,'flowrap generation'!$T$2:$T$135,$A$8,'flowrap generation'!$B$2:$B$135,G$7)
    For H8: =SUMIFS('flowrap generation'!$V$2:$V$135,'flowrap generation'!$T$2:$T$135,$A$8,'flowrap generation'!$B$2:$B$135,H$7)
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  3. #3
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    Re: =SUMIF counting product to count date specific


    I have placed that in , and whilst it gives no error its not counting anything either
    I assume its a text or numeric issue
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert shukla.ankur281190's Avatar
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    Re: =SUMIF counting product to count date specific

    There is no problem with the above formula.

    The reason why it is not producing the result, the date 23, 24 & 25 Mar, 2018 is not exist in flowrap generation sheet for code 1083573.

    Hope this will help you
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  5. #5
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    Re: =SUMIF counting product to count date specific

    As shukla.ankur281190 has pointed out, there isn't anything wrong with the formula. However, I've noticed that you had dragged the formula down. If your going to do that please edit the formula to the following.

    The edited area is in Red
    For F8: =SUMIFS('flowrap generation'!$V$2:$V$135,'flowrap generation'!$T$2:$T$135,$A8,'flowrap generation'!$B$2:$B$135,F$7)
    For G8: =SUMIFS('flowrap generation'!$V$2:$V$135,'flowrap generation'!$T$2:$T$135,$A8,'flowrap generation'!$B$2:$B$135,G$7)
    For H8: =SUMIFS('flowrap generation'!$V$2:$V$135,'flowrap generation'!$T$2:$T$135,$A8,'flowrap generation'!$B$2:$B$135,H$7)

  6. #6
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    Re: =SUMIF counting product to count date specific

    I never thanked you guys for this

    you both are indeed correct - there was nothing wrong with the formula - it was because sheet ones date automatically had updated based on =today() but I had not updated the stock sheet

  7. #7
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    Re: =SUMIF counting product to count date specific

    Glad that we were able to assist you.

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