Good Day,
Please and thank you for any help offered.
I think this should be fairly simple for an experienced Excel user, I am not.
Basically I have the following spreadsheet:
A1 has the symbol "
A2 would be where the user enters text, typically this is a person's or business name; such as GoingProPro Inc.
A3 has the symbols " +
A4 has some verbiage used; such as TROUBLE or CRIME or ARREST
A5 is a concatenate formula putting everything together; "GoingProPro Inc." + TROUBLE or CRIME or ARREST
I want A6 to be a hyperlink to google searching A5
I have the following formula:
A6 is =hyperlink("GOOGLE/search?q="&A5, "Google Search"). Please note this is my first post and excelforum doesn't allow me to post links.. GOOGLE is a placeholder for their domain name.
I also tried /search?num=50&site=&source=jp&q=
I also tried /search?num=40&ei=nRCxWumiBIHwzgKClqjgDA&q=
I've tried whatever google spits out after their website domain name. I'm guessing these are different servers but I don't know to be honest.
Sometimes, when I click the link an error window prompts stating something is invalid.
Other people I work with say the link most often than not doesn't work and they too are prompted with the error message window.
Can someone please teach me the right way of setting this up so that no error messages are prompted.
Thank you and Regards,