I'm trying to set up some tables for a forcast vs Actuals report, but I'm having some trouble with the SUMIFS( formula.
**See attachment to know what I'm talking about.
So going through the SUMIFS formula for forecast (PV0),
the sum range is of course the forecasted column correlating to the same month as the formula,
Criteria1 is making sure that the right program is selected correlating to the table title,
Criteria2 is summing specifically the labor data points based on their titles(PS Value Category). For example, I only want Direct labor, Labor overhead, Offbook Adjustments, Offbook Overhead, and Unallowable Cost to be summed in this cell.
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The first formula doesn't like the Or( formula inside it, or it might be misplaced?
The second formula works fine, but can only work for one of the five PS Value Category
The third formula is an extention of the second, but doesn't work because the sumifs( formula is looking for both PS Value Category criteria in the same cell, which isn't going to happen. I think this formula requires an Or( formula somewhere, but I'm not sure where.