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the TRUE expected principal - Loan Portfolio

  1. #1
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    Question the TRUE expected principal - Loan Portfolio

    Is there a single formula (or series of formulas I can apply to one cell) that will allow me to determine the true expected principal payment from a loan portfolio with several loans of varying terms (all at different life cycles) varied (yet fixed) APRs.

    I've tried this using a 3 loan model, running each through it's own amortization schedule, and then using a weighted average APR and term to compare. They don't add up. For example, 3 loans, each with an initial amount of $2000, an APR of 59.9%, and terms of 12,6, and 3 months, respectively, end up having a different first-period principal payment ($1054 in this case) as opposed to the weighted average model ($737).

    I pray there is an equation that will allow me to see the correct expected principal without having to run each loan through an amort. table (or in this case, the CUMPRINC function in excel for period 1) given that I need to do this for thousands of loans and several portfolios!


  2. #2
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    Re: the TRUE expected principal - Loan Portfolio

    There may be an excel function for this, but I am not an accountant, and dont know all the finance functions. How would you do this manually?
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  3. #3
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    Re: the TRUE expected principal - Loan Portfolio

    To do this manually, you would need to amortize every loan with it's own set of inputs (APR, Term, Loan size). This can be done fairly simply, and all in one row using a CUMPRINC function and subtracting the prior period CUMPRINC. The problem I'm running into is more a matter of file size. When you do this for over 100,000 loans, and some with a term of 72 months, you're talking a 150MB+ file that is impossible to work with. Ideally, Id be looking for a formula that could take some combination of all loan drivers, and run a similar amortization.

  4. #4
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    Re: the TRUE expected principal - Loan Portfolio

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDunce View Post
    Is there a single formula [...] to determine the true expected principal payment from a loan portfolio [....]. For example, 3 loans, each with an initial amount of $2000, an APR of 59.9%, and terms of 12,6, and 3 months, respectively, end up having a different first-period principal payment ($1054 in this case) as opposed to the weighted average model ($737).
    Why are you interested in the "expected principal payment"? That is, what purpose do you have in calculating it?

    I cannot imagine a good use for such information.


    In any case, what do you mean by "expected principal payment"?

    And what is the difference between that and the "true" expected principal payment?

    For now, I assume that you mean the mathematical definition of "expected value", which in this case is the arithmetic average (of something), aka the arithetic mean.

    But it is unclear what average you want: average per payment; or average per period?

    Your reference to the total first-period principal payment ($1054) and the "weighted average" ($737) suggests that you want the average per period.

    But in that case, it is unclear how you calculated the "weighted average".

    A weighted average per payment makes more sense to me.

    See my calculations below. If yours are very different, please attach an Excel file that demonstrates your calculation of the "true expect principal payment" for the example three loans above.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDunce View Post
    To do this manually, you would need to amortize every loan [....] using a CUMPRINC function and subtracting the prior period CUMPRINC.
    It is not necessary to subtract adjacent CUMPRINC results. Simply use the same starting and ending period number.

    The table and explanation below demonstrates my interpretation of your problem. It also demonstrates a simple way to calculate the various averages. Also see the attached Excel file.

    A B C D E
    1 Loan1 Loan2 Loan3
    2 Loan Amt $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00
    3 Annl Rate 59.90% 59.90% 59.90%
    4 #Months 3 6 12
    5 Pmt/mo $734.3025 $393.9299 $225.5448
    7 Pmt# Prin Amt Prin Amt Prin Amt TOTAL
    8 1 $634.4691 $294.0966 $125.7114 $1,054.2772
    9 2 $666.1397 $308.7769 $131.9865 $1,106.9032
    10 3 $699.3912 $324.1900 $138.5749 $1,162.1561
    11 4 $340.3725 $145.4921 $485.8646
    12 5 $357.3628 $152.7545 $510.1173
    13 6 $375.2011 $160.3795 $535.5807
    14 7 $168.3852 $168.3852
    15 8 $176.7904 $176.7904
    16 9 $185.6152 $185.6152
    17 10 $194.8805 $194.8805
    18 11 $204.6082 $204.6082
    19 12 $214.8216 $214.8216
    20 TOTAL $2,000.0000 $2,000.0000 $2,000.0000 $6,000.0000
    21 Avg/Per $666.6667 $333.3333 $166.6667 $500.0000
    22 Simplest $666.6667 $333.3333 $166.6667 $500.0000
    24 Avg/Pmt Same?
    25 Avg $285.7143
    26 Wgt Avg $285.7143 TRUE
    27 Simplest $285.7143 TRUE
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    Note that the various averages can be calculated with simply the loan amount and the loan term (number of payments), which avoids the use of the amortization schedule. Specifically:

    1. Average principal payment for each loan (row 22) = loan amount / number of payments

    2. Average principal payment of all loans (B27) = sum of loan amounts / sum of number of loan terms (total number of payments)

    3. Average principal payment per period (E22) = sum of loan amounts / max loan term (number of payments)

    You might be interested in the method for calculating the weighted average principal payment of all loans in B26. But the formula in B27 is simpler.

    But again, I cannot imagine what the useful value of such information might be.

    What use is it to know the "average principal payment"?
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by joeu2004; 02-09-2018 at 04:02 AM. Reason: Excel file attachment; complete table description

  5. #5
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    Re: the TRUE expected principal - Loan Portfolio

    I'll try to clarify a bit...

    The issue is that if you only knew the total portfolio size or origination amount in a given period with a weighted average term and APR, the principal payment in the first period would NOT equal the actual principal collected if you ran an amort. table for each loan and summed them up.

    In your reproduction of the amortization tables, we see that the true principal collected is 1054, but if you were to weight the Origination values, term, and APR into a single loan (or portfolio in this case), the principal received is different. The reason for needing to know the correct answer is purely for operational and cashflow purposes. I'm simply trying to find a mathematical workaround that allows me to get the correct incoming cash without running an amort. table for thousands of loans.

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