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Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

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  1. #1
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    Exclamation Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    I have a problem that I'm positive someone here can help me with. I've searched all over the internet (till i got a headache) Some get close and I'm apparently not smart enough to take it the rest of the way by myself.

    Here's the skinny.

    Our vacation year is from May 1st to April 30th. Each employees vacation entitlement is determined on May 1st of each reference year. Employees who have a start date between May 2nd and April 30th accrue 1 day for each month of continuous service to a maximum of 10 days paid time off.

    Vacation accrual is a follows for full years of service as of May 1st.

    1 year - 10 days
    4 years - 15 days
    10 years - 20 days
    18 years - 25 days

    What are your ideas for the best way to do this?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    Maybe something like:

    =IF(start_date - DATE(2017, 5, 1)>395, INDEX({10,15,20,25}, MATCH((start_date - DATE(2017, 5, 1)) /365.25, {1,4,10,18}, 1)) , MIN( INT((start_date - DATE(2017, 5, 1)) /30), 10))
    "start_date" to be changed to the appropriate cell reference for the given employee's start date.

    And that DATE(2017, 5, 1) thing might need to be changed to either a reference to another cell referencing the start date of the fiscal year (if you have one), or maybe a test that updates it to the most recent May 1st, using an IF buried in there.

    Also that's going off "30 days", not "1 month" -- it's a little different than what exactly you asked for, but fiddling with count of full months is a lot more complex.

    And you might want to feed the lookup with a table, instead of having arrays embedded in the formula. More stable that way.
    Last edited by ben_hensel; 02-01-2018 at 05:32 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    Thanks for the response ben_hensel but I guess I'm not sure what I'm doing. I tried fiddling with your formula to make it work in my sheet but got a return of 2 instead of 20.
    I'm not super awesome at excel development and I appreciate the help. I can plug in a network table around here so i guess this is my job now.

    See what you think of the attached.
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    Last edited by bferd; 02-01-2018 at 06:11 PM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    Looks like I reversed the order of operation LOL

    try this:
    =IF($B$4 - C10>395, INDEX({10,15,20,25}, MATCH(($B$4 - C10) /365.25, {1,4,10,18}, 1)), MIN( INT(IF($B$4>C10, $B$4 - C10, C10 - $B$4) /30), 10))

    I realized it didn't handle someone starting after the beginning of the fiscal year correctly (eg, if someone starts on June 12th of 2018 and you add them then), so I had to add an IF into the MIN to handle that.
    Last edited by ben_hensel; 02-01-2018 at 06:26 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    Quote Originally Posted by bferd View Post
    Employees who have a start date between May 2nd and April 30th accrue 1 day for each month of continuous service to a maximum of 10 days paid time off.
    Don't know if I'm reading this correctly....

    Do you mean that employees who have less than 1 years service get the 1 day per month, otherwise they get the days per full year as you have defined?

    If so try this formula

    Audere est facere

  6. #6
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    So close, both of you! You are amazing.

    Yes, you are reading that correctly daddylonglegs.

    I did a bit of testing with both of your formulas and got the full years (under 5 years, less than 10 years, etc) working properly. There was a bit of tweaking, although I can't explain why. I had to change {1,4,10,18} to {1,5,11,19} in both of your formulas.

    =IF($B$4 - C9>395, INDEX({10,15,20,25}, MATCH(($B$4 - C9) /365.25, {1,5,11,19}, 1)), MIN( INT(IF($B$4>C9, $B$4 - C9, C9 - $B$4) /30), 10))
    Where both have trouble is under 10 months. If I set "today's" date (C2) to May 1, 2017, and set the hire date for the same day, the entitlement shows 10 days. I can get the entitlement days to go down to zero if I set the hire date 11 months and 1 day into the "future" past whatever C2 is set at.

    See attached for example..
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    Last edited by bferd; 02-01-2018 at 11:31 PM. Reason: fat fingers

  7. #7
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    I did some more fiddling and got a little closer. Everything works for the next vacation year (2018-2019), but not if it is the current vacation year (2017-2018). The month accrual seems to not like something. Check out the attached files and see what you think.

    Note: I did a bit of iferror wrapping just to blank out some #VALUE cells on my actual worksheet.
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    Last edited by bferd; 02-02-2018 at 03:06 PM. Reason: basic stupidity

  8. #8
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    I'm confused. Is accrual based on time until May 1st of the current Fiscal Year, like you said in your first post; or is it based on time until today?

  9. #9
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    Sorry for the long delay in responding. We had a death in our workplace family.

    The short answer is both.

    Full years of service from May 1st to April 30th [10 days after 1 year to 4 years, 15 days after 4 years to 10 years, 20 days after 10 years to 18 years, and 25 days after 18 years]
    ...and employees working here under 1 year of service, get 1 day for every full month of continuous service [date of hire to TODAY()] up to 10 days.

    Does that make sense?

    This is what I have so far. As you can see in the attached workbook employees 59 to 71 don't calculate right.

    Employee 59 started on July 25, 2016, and should have accumulated 10 days.
    Employee 68 started on October 16, 2017, and should have accumulated 3 days (as of today).
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  10. #10
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    No, that doesn't answer my question.


    Normally vacation days are calculated once, at the start of the year, and you get them for the year. Then at the start of the next year, your vacation is recalculated again for that year.

    Let's say someone starts in June.

    In May, 3-and-a-change years after they start, they have 10 days of vacation.

    Do they get another 5 days available from the June of 4 years after they start?

    What if they started, I dunno, April 28th, and literally cannot use up those 5 days before the end of the fiscal year? Do you roll them over? Do you have to buy them back, as per whatever the employment agreement, or what?
    Quote Originally Posted by bferd View Post
    Each employees vacation entitlement is determined on May 1st of each reference year.
    This makes me think "calculated on May 1st for the rest of the year."

    Quote Originally Posted by bferd View Post
    Where both have trouble is under 10 months. If I set "today's" date (C2) to May 1, 2017, and set the hire date for the same day, the entitlement shows 10 days. I can get the entitlement days to go down to zero if I set the hire date 11 months and 1 day into the "future" past whatever C2 is set at.
    But this sounds like you recalculate vacation allotment every day. Especially when you mentioned arbitrarily fiddling the lookup to "get it to match".

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