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Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    So close, both of you! You are amazing.

    Yes, you are reading that correctly daddylonglegs.

    I did a bit of testing with both of your formulas and got the full years (under 5 years, less than 10 years, etc) working properly. There was a bit of tweaking, although I can't explain why. I had to change {1,4,10,18} to {1,5,11,19} in both of your formulas.

    =IF($B$4 - C9>395, INDEX({10,15,20,25}, MATCH(($B$4 - C9) /365.25, {1,5,11,19}, 1)), MIN( INT(IF($B$4>C9, $B$4 - C9, C9 - $B$4) /30), 10))
    Where both have trouble is under 10 months. If I set "today's" date (C2) to May 1, 2017, and set the hire date for the same day, the entitlement shows 10 days. I can get the entitlement days to go down to zero if I set the hire date 11 months and 1 day into the "future" past whatever C2 is set at.

    See attached for example..
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    Last edited by bferd; 02-01-2018 at 11:31 PM. Reason: fat fingers

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