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Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

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    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Vacation Entitlement based on full years of service and odd vacation year

    Maybe something like:

    =IF(start_date - DATE(2017, 5, 1)>395, INDEX({10,15,20,25}, MATCH((start_date - DATE(2017, 5, 1)) /365.25, {1,4,10,18}, 1)) , MIN( INT((start_date - DATE(2017, 5, 1)) /30), 10))
    "start_date" to be changed to the appropriate cell reference for the given employee's start date.

    And that DATE(2017, 5, 1) thing might need to be changed to either a reference to another cell referencing the start date of the fiscal year (if you have one), or maybe a test that updates it to the most recent May 1st, using an IF buried in there.

    Also that's going off "30 days", not "1 month" -- it's a little different than what exactly you asked for, but fiddling with count of full months is a lot more complex.

    And you might want to feed the lookup with a table, instead of having arrays embedded in the formula. More stable that way.
    Last edited by ben_hensel; 02-01-2018 at 05:32 PM.
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