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Creating an order form that populates automatically from inventory sheet

  1. #1
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    Question Creating an order form that populates automatically from inventory sheet

    Hey guys, hoping I can get some guidance on making a smarter order form for my admin folks.

    I created an inventory sheet for everything we have, and I'd like to make another sheet that, when a column is filled with the products' Inventory ID numbers, the next column automatically populates with the price of the product that's listed on the inventory sheet. Additionally, I'd like a column that, when a "Quantity" column is filled, is automatically populated with the price of the total quantity ordered.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'd be happy to clarify anything.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor than_gold's Avatar
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    Re: Creating an order form that populates automatically from inventory sheet

    Please provide the sample excel sheet, to assist you in a better way.
    Thangavel D

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  3. #3
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    Post Re: Creating an order form that populates automatically from inventory sheet

    Sure. I used just a stock template as a sample, didn't populate it with anything new, and created a new sheet with the four columns i described above (inventory ID, price, quantity needed, total price). It ain't pretty, but it'll do.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Creating an order form that populates automatically from inventory sheet

    Create list of inventory and namas range called "Inventory"

    in B2

    Data Validation

    Allow: List

    Source: =Inventory

    in C2

    =VLOOKUP($B2,InventoryList[[Inventory ID]:[Quantity in Reorder]],4,0)

    in E2

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  5. #5
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    Re: Creating an order form that populates automatically from inventory sheet

    Thanks for your input.

    What I was trying to do is have a formula I can apply to the entire C column on that "Ordering" sheet where, when I type an inventory ID number in colum B, column C would automatically populate with the appropriate price for that product. The "quantity" and "total price" columns I have a handle on. It's really being able to populate that C column with the price that corresponds to the same inventory number from the previous page. Is there any function I can use that can find the identical input of the product ID on the inventory page and populate the price from that same row?

    Please let me know if you need any more clarification.

  6. #6
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    Re: Creating an order form that populates automatically from inventory sheet

    That is what the solution does !?

    Change B2 to

    =IF(B2="","",VLOOKUP($B2,InventoryList[[Inventory ID]:[Quantity in Reorder]],4,0))

    and copy down as far required

    Select in B and you get price in C

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