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Dynamic Lists

  1. #1
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    Dynamic Lists

    I am working with some dynamic lists and I am not sure how to handle this task. ( I would post a picture, just not sure how to. SO I am including google drive sharable link for each image)

    I have a dynamic lists that is 9 across horizontally and 4 across vertically. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ox...LiyIzfaKcnPX5d)

    The dynamic list is named "ODORIZER". (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Kp...Fb91XemLAQY5Yy)

    When I pick "ODORIZER" from the drop down menu under column "D", I want the information to populate E thru I of Row 3, then move to row 4 and populate E thru I and continue this till the information in the Dynamic list is complete.

    I have been using VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP for a couple of other formulas, but I am not sure how to complete this.

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  2. #2
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    Hi squatcher. Welcome to the forum.

    Please upload an Excel workbook sample (not pics or screenshots). It saves retyping data. You will often get more and faster response when you do.

    To attach a file to your post,
    • be sure to desensitize the data
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    The file name will appear at the bottom of your reply.

  3. #3
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    Re: Dynamic Lists


    Thanks for the response. I included the file as you requested.

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  4. #4
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    Try pasting the following formula into cell E3 on sheet1:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    To get all four entries in the ODORIZER table you'll need to change the 'Refers To:' in the 'Name Manager' so that it reads: =Table!$A$3:$I$6
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  5. #5
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    I added what you gave me and it worked great for the ODORIZER table, but when I went to add another component (heater), it did not retrieve it's information.

    The formula in E3 is this "IFERROR(IF(INDEX(INDIRECT($D$3),ROW(1:1),COLUMN(A:A))=0,"",INDEX(INDIRECT($D$3),ROW(1:1),COLUMN(A:A))),"")"
    in E2 is this =IFERROR(IF(INDEX(INDIRECT($D$3),ROW(2:2),COLUMN(A:A))=0,"",INDEX(INDIRECT($D$3),ROW(2:2),COLUMN(A:A))),"")

    ODORIZER TABLE has 4 components

    So after all of the components for ODORIZER are shown, the next cell is E7.
    IN E7 the formula is (=IFERROR(IF(INDEX(INDIRECT($D$3),ROW(5:5),COLUMN(A:A))=0,"",INDEX(INDIRECT($D$3),ROW(5:5),COLUMN(A:A))),""))

    I think the $D$3 part of the formula should be checking to see if the third column is empty and keep check upwards till if finds an occupied cell.

    Also, the ROW (1:1) advances as each portion of the ODORIZER table is added, but afterwards when I place a value in $D7, shouldnt the ROW(x:x) portion of the code change to acknowledge the change in column 3?

    I am not sure I am saying this correctly, so please bear with me.

    I will include the file.

    Thanks for the help so far.
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    Last edited by squatcher; 01-28-2018 at 10:37 PM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    Added a helper column (XFD) which is populated using: =IF(D3<>"",D3,XFD2)
    The formula that populates column E:J now reads:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Let us know if you have any questions.

  7. #7
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    I have one additional question. The formula you gave me, can that be utilized for this next step and if not, how can I manage this.


    As you can see, if you take the ODORIZER in the 'TO' column and then place JB-'A' or any other Junction Box Letter (JB-'B' or JB-'C', etc.), in the from column, I now want that data associated to JB-'A', so when I place JB-'A' in the TO column

    above it, that data from the ODORIZER displays. This also has to work with multiple items being sent to the same Junction Box, like this picture shows. I did a screen shot of a photoshopped capture to demonstrate what I am poorly describing.

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  8. #8
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    Some changes that have been made.
    There are now four helper columns XFA:XFD
    The formula for XFA is*:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    The formula for XFB is:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    The formula for XFC is: =IFERROR(ROWS(INDIRECT(XFD3)),"")
    The formula for XFD is still: =IF(D3<>"",D3,XFD2)
    The formula for the range E3:J42 is:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    *Denotes an array entered formula which is confirmed by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to activate the array, not just ENTER before being copied. You will know the array is active when you see curly braces { } appear around your formula. If you do not CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER you will get an error or a clearly incorrect answer.
    Let us know if you have any questions.

  9. #9
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    I have a question, in the image I included I have the contents of three cells, they are in the same column, one directly under the other.

    In the image you will see where I placed arrows, the last formula has "XFB4" in those locations, the formula in the middle is from the cell above the last formula and it has this in the same position "XFB3", which to me says these values are coming from the XFB column and decreasing 4 to 3 to...
    But the in the formula in the top position from the cell above the previous has "M2".

    The M2 is referencing a blank cell, it has no formula or nothing. Could you help clarify whether that is an error and it should be "XFB2" or please explain what its purpose is.


  10. #10
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    Good call, in cell XFB3 both references to M2 should be references to XFB2. I did the initial set up and testing of the formulas in columns L:O so that I could verify my results as I went along. I guess that I forgot to change that reference when I moved the formulas to columns XFA:XFD.
    If the proposed solution meets expectations, please take a moment to mark the thread as 'Solved' using the thread tools link above your first post. I hope that you have a blessed day.

  11. #11
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    I want to thank you for all your help. Now I am taking my time to understand what you wrote and how it works, so that I can better understand the spreadsheet I am attempting to create.

    Thanks for all the help.

  12. #12
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Dynamic Lists

    You're Welcome. Thank You for the feedback and for marking the thread as 'Solved'. A good way to see what a formula is doing is to use the Evaluate Formula feature which is on the Formulas tab.

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