Thanks for the formula - it worked perfectly for the results I was after - However I have had to change my data source to simplify and maintain consistency.
1. My criteria has changed - I only need to match the numerical value of cell H6 exactly and if within -3 points. I do not need the +3 points for the formula.
2. The Scores worksheet is in the same workbook with cells B2:U2 - each with the specific number posted from each of the last 20 rounds of golf that are to be counted if it is equal to or -3points to the Target number in cell H6..
The formula Im using is =COUNTIF(Scores!B2:U2, "<="& H6 -3) - I have adapted this from the formula you provided earlier.
The results I get is 0 even though the cells of B2 - U2 contains several golf scores that qualify to be counted being either an exact match or within -3points lower.
Cannot figure out why this is not working. Thx Bob
I wish I knew how to attach my worksheet.