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If you can explain the details of this formula can be very useful to me.
I am trying to understand the same but its very difficult.
Difficult in transpose row indirect.
And if the data in E & F columns are empty it directs #DIV/0!
How can we ignore those rows if the start date and end date will be blank.
Thank u.
Glad to hear it works. Thank you for the feedback and added rep. 
RE: Explaining the details. I will do my best. It will take me some time to gather and organize my thoughts ... coherently.
RE: Blank start and end dates/#DIV/0!. Force the divisor to ones where D7:D12 = 0. Replace the above with this formula. In the event of blank dates it will return 0s. I suspect the (Sheet1!$D$7:$D$12>0) in the numerator is superfluous. It doesn't do harm so I left it.