Hi Guys,
I have a formula to retrieve all of entries in a row based on matching the value of $A$9. I am trying to use this formula as NOT an array formula. As well as eliminate $A:$A range to just 2 to 10000. But for some reasome $A1:$A10000 doesn't work when I swap that out.

{=IFERROR(INDEX('2018MPM'!$H:$H,SMALL(INDEX(($A$9='2018MPM'!$A:$A)*(MATCH(ROW('2018MPM'!$A:$A), ROW('2018MPM'!$A:$A)))+($A$9<>'2018MPM'!$A:$A)*1048577,),ROWS('2018MPM'!$A$1:A1))), "-")}

Thanks guys,