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Very new to Excel, Trying to Calculate Hours from a specific time

  1. #1
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    Very new to Excel, Trying to Calculate Hours from a specific time

    Hello All,

    I'm pretty well versed with computers, however my spreadsheet experience is basically nil. I have figured out some basics on my own. Here is my problem:
    I need to record the hours as they are on the sign in sheet, but employees get paid from 7:00AM.

    I used the following formula to calculate my hours:
    =IF(B3<>"", sum(F3-E3,H3-G3,J3-I3,L3-K3,N3-M3,P3-O3)*24,"")

    There is probably a shorter formula I could use, but this is what I figured out in the 3 days I've been working with spreadsheets.

    As you can see there are two entries at the lower left corner that are signed in at 6:50 and 6:30 AM however they don't actually get paid until 7:00AM.

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Very new to Excel, Trying to Calculate Hours from a specific time

    Where you have the start time (for example E3) use the MAX formula
    =SUM(F3 - MAX(E3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"))+ ...)
    This will give whatever time is logged in but not earlier than 7 AM.
    One spreadsheet to rule them all. One spreadsheet to find them. One spreadsheet to bring them all and at corporate, bind them.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but a sample spreadsheet is more likely to be worked on.

  3. #3
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    Re: Very new to Excel, Trying to Calculate Hours from a specific time

    Quote Originally Posted by dflak View Post
    Where you have the start time (for example E3) use the MAX formula
    =SUM(F3 - MAX(E3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"))+ ...)
    This will give whatever time is logged in but not earlier than 7 AM.
    Thanks dflak, that helped me, but it's still off.
    This is what I have for a formula now:

    =IF (B3<>"", sum((F3 - MAX(E3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"))+H3 - MAX(G3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"))+J3 - MAX(I3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"))+L3 -
    MAX(K3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"))+N3 - MAX(M3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"))+P3 - MAX(O3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM")))*24), "")

    My problem now is that it is calculating -7 hours for days that people are not at work. So for example a person works one out of six days, the 5 days they did not show up for work they have an accumulated 5 days times 7 hours for a total of negative 35 hours. How can I fix that?

    Just FYI, I have only put the formula on Row 3, as I am using that Row as a testing ground, until I get it right, before I apply it to the remaining rows.
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Very new to Excel, Trying to Calculate Hours from a specific time

    You will probably have to change this:
    (F3 - MAX(E3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"))
    to IF(ISBLANK(F3),0,(F3 - MAX(E3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM")))
    In other words, if you don't have a punch out time, return zero hours - if you do, then do the calculation. These things get complicated fast every time you add another condition.

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    Re: Very new to Excel, Trying to Calculate Hours from a specific time

    Thanks dflak. I appreciate your effort. I called around to some friends and we came up with this solution:

    I got rid of the IF(B3<>"","") part and wiped out the conditional formatting altogether. Then made a conditional format that if a cell ended in 0.00 that the text is white, which eliminates the zeros.

    We then used this formula to achieve the desired effect, which I can confirm works exactly as intended:

    =sum((IF(E3="",0,if(E3="7:00 AM",F3-E3,F3 - MAX(E3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM")))*24)))+((IF(G3="",0,if(G3="7:00 AM",H3-G3,H3 - MAX(G3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM")))*24)))+((IF(I3="",0,if(I3="7:00 AM",J3-I3,J3 - MAX(I3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM")))*24)))+((IF(K3="",0,if(K3="7:00 AM",L3-K3,L3 - MAX(K3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM")))*24)))+((IF(M3="",0,if(M3="7:00 AM",N3-M3,N3 - MAX(M3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM")))*24)))+((IF(O3="",0,if(O3="7:00 AM",P3-O3,P3 - MAX(O3,TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM")))*24)))

    Works like a charm.

  6. #6
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    Re: Very new to Excel, Trying to Calculate Hours from a specific time

    You could probably shorten/simplify that formula by using 7/24 instead of TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"). Or better still, put that in a cell some place and reference it
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  7. #7
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Very new to Excel, Trying to Calculate Hours from a specific time

    Or make a name with that value .

    I do not know for sure, but I suspect that 7/24 evaluates faster than TIMEVALUE("7:00 AM"). Your suggestion of putting the value in a cell and referencing it may be a good one. I also suspect that looking up a value might take a bit more time than calculating it, but if you use that value more than once, there should be a point where calculate once, look up multiple times is faster especially for very complicated formulas.

    The key word for both of these statements is "suspect." I really have no proof or benchmarks.

    For this particular application, I doubt that any performance issues will be seen due to the small amount of data.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: Very new to Excel, Trying to Calculate Hours from a specific time

    You could utilise the "Time in"/"Time out" values in row 2, e.g. with this formula in Q3 copied down

    =24*(SUM(SUMIF(E$2:P$2,{"Time Out","Time in"},E3:P3)*{1,-1})-SUMPRODUCT((E$2:P$2="Time in")*(E3:P3<7/24)*(E3:P3<>""),7/24-E3:P3))

    The first part gives you the hours as written and the SUMPRODUCT part makes an adjustment for the times before 07:00

    or this shorter version should also suffice

    =24*(SUMPRODUCT(F3:P3-E3:O3,(F$2:P$2="Time out")+0)-SUMPRODUCT((E3:P3<7/24)*(E3:P3<>""),7/24-E3:P3))
    Last edited by daddylonglegs; 12-04-2017 at 11:25 AM.
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