I am currently using Index/Match functions to pull data from two separate spreadsheets, however, I would like to combine or determine which spreadsheet (Index/Match function) to used based on the beginning character of the model #, such as "V", "N" or "T' as some examples.
Currently Model Numbers, such as VXXX-XX-XX-XXXX-XXX pull from the following code...
My code for "V" is
=INDEX('M:\Echart\[EChart 1053 Trim Code Sheet Rev 19.xls]Trim Codes with MCS'!B$3:B$1053, MATCH(I$11, 'M:\Echart\[EChart 1053 Trim Code Sheet Rev 19.xls]Trim Codes with MCS'!$A$3:$A$1053,0))
My code for "N" would be..
=INDEX('[EChart 1049 Oracle Trim Code Sheet Nextech.xlsx]Trim code with temps'!B$2:B$215,MATCH($B$23, '[EChart 1049 Oracle Trim Code Sheet Nextech.xlsx]Trim code with temps'!$A$2:$A$215,0))
Any help combining the searches into one command would be greatly appreciated.