Testing for three criteria requires a 2-level nested if formula:
=IF(LEFT(E15,1)="V",INDEX('M:\Echart\[EChart 1053 Trim Code Sheet Rev 19.xls]Trim Codes with MCS'!B$3:B$1053,MATCH(I$11,'M:\Echart\[EChart 1053 Trim Code Sheet Rev 19.xls]Trim Codes with MCS'!$A$3:$A$1053,0)),IF(LEFT(E15,1)="N",INDEX('M:\Echart\[EChart 1049 Oracle Trim Code Sheet Nextech.xlsx]Trim code with temps'!B$2:B$215,MATCH(I$11,'M:\Echart\[EChart 1049 Oracle Trim Code Sheet Nextech.xlsx]Trim code with temps'!$A$2:$A$215,0)),INDEX('M:\Echart\[Echart 1048 Trim Code Sheet PSG Rev1.xls]Trim Codes'!B$7:B$16,MATCH(I$11,'M:\Echart\[Echart 1048 Trim Code Sheet PSG Rev1.xls]Trim Codes'!$A$7:$A$16,0))))
The first IF tests for V, and, if found, the first Index is evaluated. If V is not found, the inner IF tests for N, if N is found, the first Index of the inner IF function is evaluated, if not, then P is assumed and the last Index is evaluated.
An alternative is the Choose function will branch to a specific Index function based on the position the test code (Left(E15,1)) is found in the lookup array:
=CHOOSE(MATCH(LEFT(E15,1),{"V","N","P"},0),INDEX('M:\Echart\[EChart 1053 Trim Code Sheet Rev 19.xls]Trim Codes with MCS'!B$3:B$1053,MATCH(I$11,'M:\Echart\[EChart 1053 Trim Code Sheet Rev 19.xls]Trim Codes with MCS'!$A$3:$A$1053,0)),INDEX('M:\Echart\[EChart 1049 Oracle Trim Code Sheet Nextech.xlsx]Trim code with temps'!B$2:B$215,MATCH(I$11,'M:\Echart\[EChart 1049 Oracle Trim Code Sheet Nextech.xlsx]Trim code with temps'!$A$2:$A$215,0)),value3)
For instance if E15 is N... then Match(E15... returns 2 and Choose evaluates the second Index in the list.