Hi all,
Is there a way of using the "find" function in Excel (or a comparable function) to pull out specific characters from a formula.
Following is the formula:
=IFERROR(INDEX('302 - Jul 17'!$B$4:$K$201,MATCH($D270,'302 - Jul 17'!$F$4:$F$201,0),MATCH(F$2,'302 - Jul 17'!$B$4:$K$4,0)),0)
The result of this particular formula is $91,003.
The key characters in this formula for my purposes is "302" as this identifies the Business Unit.
What I want is to have a formula in another cell which references this cell and tells me if the Business Unit being identified is "302" or another number.
So far as I can determine the "find" function will only look at the result of a formula and not at the text that makes up the formula.
Is it possible to look at the text within the formula?