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Pattern/Sequence of Numbers based on Ratio/Percentage

  1. #1
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    Pattern/Sequence of Numbers based on Ratio/Percentage

    Ciao All ~

    Is it possible to generate / create a sequence of binary numbers, that cannot repeat more than twice, based on an entered ratio x:y? if not a ratio, than perhaps two percentages equal to 100%?

    For example, a 2:1 ratio would generate a 12 cell pattern of : 1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0

    Cheers in advance.


  2. #2
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Pattern/Sequence of Numbers based on Ratio/Percentage

    More examples?
    How about 3:2 ratio , 1:3?

    Please explain, how you calculated that for presented result:
    two percentages equal to 100%?
    Best Regards,


  3. #3
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    Re: Pattern/Sequence of Numbers based on Ratio/Percentage

    Quote Originally Posted by artikyulashun View Post
    Ciao All ~

    Is it possible to generate / create a sequence of binary numbers, that cannot repeat more than twice, based on an entered ratio x:y? if not a ratio, than perhaps two percentages equal to 100%?

    For example, a 2:1 ratio would generate a 12 cell pattern of : 1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0

    Cheers in advance.

    The binary code patter is fixed of 12 digits??? If yes the your second condition to get atmost 2 consecutive digits is not possible.
    Need to have better understanding about what you are upto.....

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Pattern/Sequence of Numbers based on Ratio/Percentage

    Hi Sunny18pc,

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  5. #5
    Forum Expert José Augusto's Avatar
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    Re: Pattern/Sequence of Numbers based on Ratio/Percentage

    To convert a decimal to binary use (in A10)
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    where E5:G5 is the ratio
    To verify that the converted decimal number allows you to form the default use
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    See the file that also contains another solution for generating random patterns.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Pattern/Sequence of Numbers based on Ratio/Percentage

    I'm trying to create a rotating weekly promotional calendar based on MFGs share of unit volume for a particular item. I was starting with the first 12 weeks, but it could just as easily be 52.

    My initial thought was simply trying to create an "on/off" [ binary 1's and 0's ] pattern based on their ratio of unit volume.

    Say you have 3 Manufacturers selling Bananas. MFG A has sold 60% of the unit volume over the past 52 weeks. MFG B 25% and MFG C 15%.

    Based on their historical unit volume, MFG A could have Bananas on sale roughly 7 weeks, while MFG B 3 and MFG C 2.

    Is it possible to create a formula that would generate an on/off pattern for these three companies? The hope is not to allow any one company to be on sale for more than two weeks.

    Hope this clarifies.

  7. #7
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    Re: Pattern/Sequence of Numbers based on Ratio/Percentage

    Thank you Jose Augusto. Like what you've produced. I'll spend some time this morning trying to wrap my head around it and see if I can apply it to my problem.

  8. #8
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Pattern/Sequence of Numbers based on Ratio/Percentage

    Try this:
    in A1 and B1 your ratio, so for 2:1 2 in A1 and 1 in B1, for 60% 6 and 4 (or 3 and 2), and so on.
    in A2 formula:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    in B2 (and copy to right as far an many elements you need):
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    so for instance with 7:4 your pattern will repeat every 11 cells as:
    1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1

    In attached file I used conditional formatting with alternating colors to show where pattern repeats.
    and to clarify, in your first sample I'd say that pattern is just 1,1,0 (or -as generated with above formulas: 1,0,1) and for 12 elements it's simply repeated 4 times :-)
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