Hi Shirley and welcome to the forum,
This is not a hard problem if you adjust the rules slightly. Instead of working with days in those "ever changing months" why not do it per year which has 365.25 days in it? If you do the months formula you also need to consider the number of days in each month AND the year which makes the problem gets much harder. See the attached where I've given each Full Time Staff (FTS) a start date and then calculated how many days they have accrued using 20 days / 365.25. This will then allow a simple number of days worked to be Today - Start Date. Note: This will be within a day (or two) of the harder calculation you want and may be exact most of the time. Then when the staff takes a day off you simply add to the bottom of the table and redo the Pivot Table. Easy Peasy?
This is like a simple check register with a running balance but the accrued amount increases each day. Hope this helps.
Staff Holidays Accrued.xlsx