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Changing cell contents while formula is present

  1. #1
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    Changing cell contents while formula is present

    Hey, im having trouble editing a cells contents while a formula is present. is there any way that when i click on the cell i get the actual sum of the formula and not the actual formula. I dont want to edit the formula just the cell contents. for example i double click the cell to edit and get this =LOWER(LEFT(B21)&IF(COUNTIF(C21,"* *"),LEFT(C21)&MID(C21,FIND(" ",C21)+1,LEN(C21)),C21) ) but instead i want to get this krhernandez and be able to edit it. bc of a already used username.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: Changing cell contents while formula is present

    If the cell is formula driven, you can't edit the result without changing the formula.

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