Hi all,
I have a column with some dates in it. I'm trying to count/sum how many dates are in October 2017, November 2017 etc. I've managed to find a formula that works but it returns a value error if it's on a different tab AND contains blanks. If there are blanks on the same tab it still seems to work, very strange to me! I've tried the following on a simple spreadsheet to try and get it to work:
But I just get a value error.
I'm trying to count/sum on a different tab so my final formula will be something like (if possible):
=SUMPRODUCT((MONTH('[Trial Database Final.xlsm]S4 Database Linked'!X3:X5000)=10)*(YEAR('[Trial Database Final.xlsm]S4 Database Linked'!X3:X5000)=2017))
Would very much appreciate help with this. What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks.