Attachment 541811
I'd like to extract the BNR # from column A and show it as I mocked up in B. I have a sheet with 1000s of records without a consistent format. Any help would be appreciated.
Attachment 541811
I'd like to extract the BNR # from column A and show it as I mocked up in B. I have a sheet with 1000s of records without a consistent format. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Megan, welcome to the forum!
I would use a helper column here (2 columns with formulas).
C1 =IFERROR(LEFT(B1,FIND("/",B1)-1),B1)
Drag down as far as needed.
ARRAY formula in B2, then drag down
Pl note
Array formula should be confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter keys together.
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Thank you this worked!
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Here is another one
Enter in B1 and copy down
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v A B 1 This text is just a test/text /just a test /BNR 321654 321654 2 This text is just a test/text /BNR 987654323.25/Additional requirements 987654323.3 3 This text is just a test/text /BNR 156.35/CSST Testing 156.35 4 This text is just a test/text / additional text/BNR 89456123.2455/Status/Open 89456123.25
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