Hi All,
I have a problem to count number of days using Networkdays.Intl when the start date on weekdays and end date on weekend. If both start and end date on weekdays it would fine.
I am using this function, NETWORKDAYS.INTL(A1,A2,1,[Holiday])-1-MOD(A1,1)+MOD(A2,1)
Here is simple example, Assume no holidays.
A1 = 27-Oct-2017 18:00
A2 = 30-Oct-2017 18:00
B1 = 27-Oct-2017 18:00
B2 = 29-Oct-2017 18:00 ---end on weekend
=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(A1,A2,1)-1-MOD(A1,1)+MOD(A2,1) will return 1
=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(B1,B2,1)-1-MOD(B1,1)+MOD(B2,1) will return 0
In fact, B1 still need to count from 18:00 to 24:000 which is 0.25 day. can anyone help me?