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Need a Formula that Categorizes Cell Value Based On Value Range

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  1. #1
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    Need a Formula that Categorizes Cell Value Based On Value Range

    I have a prospect list of various companies in our area and I am trying to categorize them by their annual revenue. Based on the companies annual revenue value, I want to put a formula in an adjacent cell that will label thje revenue value as one of the following:

    $1 - $5MM
    $5 - $10MM
    $10 - $25MM
    $25 - 50MM
    I have this set up on another sheet (see below), but am trying to figure out how to make a formula that will make use of this table. I'm thinking something along the lines of a VLOOKUP funciton, but it has to be more complex than that.
    Revenue Threshold Category
    1 $1 - $5MM
    5 $5 - $10MM
    10 $10 - $25MM
    25 $25 - 50MM

  2. #2
    Forum Expert 63falcondude's Avatar
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    Re: Need a Formula that Categorizes Cell Value Based On Value Range

    With 1 in A2, try this in B2:

    =LOOKUP(A2,{1,5,10,25},{"$1 - $5MM","$5 - $10MM","$10 - $25MM","$25 - 50MM"})

    Or you can reference your table like this:

    =LOOKUP(A2,C1:C4,D1:D4) adjusting the ranges as needed.

  3. #3
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    Re: Need a Formula that Categorizes Cell Value Based On Value Range

    If your threshold values are in ascending order, you can use INDEX/MATCH with a "Match Type" of 1 on the threshold values to return the proper category. In the attached sample, the threshold table is in G2:H6, the company revenue is in B2, and the lookup in C2 is:


    Fill down for other companies. Take a look at the attachment to see if it'll do the trick:
    Attached Files Attached Files
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  4. #4
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    Re: Need a Formula that Categorizes Cell Value Based On Value Range

    The second solution worked perfectly (not to say the first solution wouldn't). Thank you!

  5. #5
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Need a Formula that Categorizes Cell Value Based On Value Range

    Glad we could help, good luck!

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