Hey guys!

I'm working on an excel budget and I've got every formula working except for one. I have a main page:
Budget Problem2.PNG
which displays all of the actions recorded in the accounts on separate pages at the bottom. As you can see, in the activity column, it tracks how much I've spent total. What I'm trying to do is get the activity column to only track transactions from the current month. Obviously, I could do a SUMIF function in each separate page (since they don't work across pages) and then sum the results, but it needs to be something I can easily change every month. I've tried everything to nesting SUMIFS in IF functions to IF+AND combinations, and nothing seems to work. Here's the format I've got for recording transactions:
Budget Problem.PNG
The problem being that I have to get it to sum if it's 1) within the current month, 2) within the necessary category (To Be Budgeted, Fun Money, Giving, etc.) and 3) I have to get it to work across all of the account pages and display the total on the Budget page.

Help! I'm not sure what I can do to get the formula I need.
