Glad to help.Thanks for the feedback.
RE: "--". Somewhat. In this case they coerce TRUE/FALSE returned by the (WEEKNUM(+Table1[DUE DATE],1)=WEEKNUM($B$1,1)) part into their underlying numeric 1/0 values. This enables SUMPRODUCT sum up the TRUEs which are now 1s.
Any mathematical operation does the same thing.
- 1* (WEEKNUM(+Table1[DUE DATE],1)=WEEKNUM($B$1,1))
- 0+ (WEEKNUM(+Table1[DUE DATE],1)=WEEKNUM($B$1,1))
- (WEEKNUM(+Table1[DUE DATE],1)=WEEKNUM($B$1,1)) /1
- and (WEEKNUM(+Table1[DUE DATE],1)=WEEKNUM($B$1,1)) ^1.
I just prefer the double-unary "--".
The "+" is a special case issue. Some functions do not accept ranges by default. The ranges need to be coerced into an array. The date functions all seem to fit into this category. There are others.