I have searched all over excel sites reading about SUMIF and SUMPRODUCT, can't find an answer to this...

I want to sum multiple column pairs with a single criteria. I have a document with the budget amounts allocated for each budget year, where budget year is different for each grant.

To be specific, for the year 2007, I must pull from each column pair where the money was allotted in 2007.
Screen Shot 2017-09-11 at 2.07.12 PM.png

The following formulas give me an ERROR!
=SUMIFS(('D_Funding source document'!O:O,'D_Funding source document'!N:N, "2007")+('D_Funding source document'!R:R,'D_Funding source document'!Q:Q, "2007"))

=SUMPRODUCT(('D_Funding source document'!N:N=2008,'D_Funding source document'!O:O)+('D_Funding source document'!Q:Q=2008,'D_Funding source document'!R:R))

What do I need to do to sum multiple iterations of the same criteria for multiple column pairs?