Forum Members,
I'm new to numbers and would like some assistance in using conditional formatting.
I’m building a sheet to track due dates ignorer to track a 45 day mark, 60 and 90 day mark, from initial notification date
(A3+45); this will give me a date which is 45 days in the future form initial notification date.
(A4+60), this will give me a date which is 60 days in the future from initial notification date.
(A5+90), this will give me a date which is 90 days in the future from initial notification date.
Initial date is manually inputed into cell A1
If the initial notification date is 15 July 2017, then 45 day = 29 Aug 2017; 60 day = 13 Sept 2017; and a 90 day = 13 Oct 2017.
Attendance date is manually inputed into cell A2
I have set cell A7 with “() NOW”
2. Need help with conditional formatting
If “Attendance date” when entered is equal to or greater than 45 day mark then strike out and fill blue. If 45 day mark is exceed but no “attendance date” is entered then strike out and fill with blue.
If “Attendance date” when entered is equal to or greater than 60 day mark then strike out and fill orange. If 45 day mark is exceed but no “attendance date” is entered then strike out and fill with blue.
If “Attendance date” when entered is equal to or greater than 90 day mark then strike out and fill red. If 90 day mark is exceed but no “attendance date” is entered then strike out and fill with red.
If “Attendance date” when entered is less than 45 day mark then stop rules stated above
If “Attendance date” when entered is less than 60 day mark then stop rule for 90 day mark but apply rule for 45 day mark.
If “Attendance date” when entered is less than 90 day mark then stop rule for 90 day and apply 45 and 60 day rule.
If “Attendance date” when entered is not inputed on the 90 day mark then apply rules for 45, 60, 90 day and input "stop" on cell containing “Attendance date”
Thank you indavance