Dear all

Hello - thanks for this forum - it seems really helpful! I am trying to calculate headcount per month and i tried two different formulas:

- =--IF(AND($B2-DAY($B2)+1<=D$1,$C2-DAY($C2)+1>=D$1),1,0)
- =($B11<=H$1) * (($C11>=H$1) + ($C11=""))

however the first one works well but it only works when there is an end date. If the end date is blank (current employee)
the second solution works but if the person only worked a few days in the month, they appear as 0 headcount

i guess my two issues are:
- when an employee has only worked a few days in a month (which is solved by the above)
- when the end date is blank

Does anyone have a solution for this problem? Much appreciated