I'm an intern at an OEM and I need to automate some data-dump process as my next project. Basically this is what I have and this is what I must do:
-I have 2 sheets. One contains a list of 2 products with its base fee listed in 1 column and another 4 corresponding columns indicating the additional taxes combined with the initial base fee (pretty irrelevant for now). The other sheet shows 180 locations for both products and the differing base fees. -I need to confirm that the base fee in Sheet 1 matches/corresponds to any values in Sheet 2 to properly audit.
What I have done is create 2 new columns outlining each product and inputted something like "=ISNUMBER(MATCH(J26,Sheet2!L:L,0))" to indicate whether any of the base fees are found in Sheet 2. If so, it would yield TRUE or FALSE. However it is difficult to differentiate yields because some rows say FALSE for both product price potential given a row with a fee unique to one of the base fees in Sheet 2 (I checked, there's a match for each fee). I'm not sure how to manipulate the function so that I can only have one new column that confirms or denies the base fee columns presence in Sheet 2.
I don't think VLOOKUP would be helpful as it searches vertically but who knows the magic of excel- there is a solution for everything.
Please let me know what you think!