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How can I automatically subtract a number based on previous 90 days (attendance tracker)

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Formulation Re: How can I automatically... 08-15-2017, 03:57 PM
JeteMc Re: How can I automatically... 08-15-2017, 04:57 PM
Formulation Re: How can I automatically... 08-15-2017, 05:07 PM
JeteMc Re: How can I automatically... 08-15-2017, 05:53 PM
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    Lightbulb How can I automatically subtract a number based on previous 90 days (attendance tracker)

    I've attached a sample sheet. Thanks for anyone who can help!

    I have created an attendance tracker which currently adds up points for instances of tardy, call off, etc... I have a formula set to only add points to the total if they were in the previous 12 months.

    My question is, I need one last thing added and that is a way to remove 1 point from the total points if they have not been tardy, called out in the last 90 days.

    Currently the total points (in the last 12 months) is totaled for each employee starting in Cell H6
    If there has been 90 days of no entries (days start in I6 - all the way to the right), I would like to subtract 1 point from the total in column H.

    For example, today is August 7th, 2017. If the previous 90 days (May 9th-August 7th) has empty cells, remove 1 point from the total.

    I will have to ignore all future dates as they can not be factored into the 90 day period.
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