I have a sheet with 1700 rows, Column A contains multiple entries for each "Week 01" through "Week 24", Column L is blank or contains a "1" and Column AN contains "JSG1" through "JSG10", I was starting with countifs but the OR part threw me what I want a count of is:

All the instances where column A = "Week 01" AND Column L = "1" AND Column AN Contains either "JSG5" OR "JSG6"

these were suggested:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A10="Week 01"),--(L1:L10=1),--((AN1:AN10=5)+(AN1:AN10=6)>0))

or maybe:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A10="Week 01"),--(L1:L10="1"),--((AN1:AN10="5")+(AN1:AN10="6")>0))

or even:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A10="Week 01"),--(L1:L10=1),--((AN1:AN10="5")+(AN1:AN10="6")>0))

but I had previously referencedthe AN data as just a numeric for anonymisation are the above 3 options not running because of the alpha prefix in AN? I had changed the ranges to reflect my data........