
I'm struggling to get the below to work.

=IF($E$1=1,INDEX(South!R:R,MATCH('Regions Summary'!K63,South!D:D,0),IF($E$1=2,INDEX('London & Districts'!R:R,MATCH('Regions Summary'!K63,'London & Districts'!D:D,0)))))

K63 also has the following formula is =IF($E$1=1,LARGE(South!D:D,'Regions Summary'!A61),IF($E$1=2,LARGE('London & Districts'!D:D,'Regions Summary'!A61))) Which works.

So what I want to happen depending on the number in E1 I will have the largest number of that data appear in K63, and then in my next cell I want it to index match again depending what number appears in E1.

Is this possible?