The CSV file needs to be provided to a financial institution to confirm some BI data. They are not able to use the data straight from excel so have requested a CSV file.

The IF statement requests information is one of two cells. Both cells are formated as text. In the cells are numbers like '123456789000' and '987654321000' The worksheet is popoulated with other information some text but mostly numbers. A name range is created
with the rows and columns I need. The Name range is copied to a another worksheet using:

Sheets("Worksheet Register").Range("ReportCopy").Copy
Sheets("ReportWorksheet").Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

All the values are correct and 123456789000' is still a text fill. I have put in letters with number to test and they come through.

The worksheet is then saved as a CSV file. When I open the csv file (using Open Text) in excel I get 1.2E+11 instead of the full number. If I
add a letter at the end such as "123456789000A" then I get "123456789000A."

In the CSV file I want those numbers to look like the worksheet.