Tried to run a large function but ran into 64 max nested IF statements. I read that i needed to make a table and run an Index/Match type formula. I could figure out how to run with one min/max but couldn't figure out how to run with two.
What I'm looking for is if Value1 (Type1) falls between MinType1 and MaxType1 and Value2 (Type2) falls between MinType2 and MaxType2, it will give you the result (Amount) from that line. Ex Data is provided below the chart.
MinType1 MaxType2 MinType2 Max Type2 Amount
100 200 1000 2000 $100
100 200 2001 3000 $200
201 300 1000 2000 $300
201 300 2001 3000 $400
Type1: 150
Type2: 1500
Result: $100
Might be easier to read in attachment.