I have tried several versions to get my horizontal dynamic range working in a dropdown-list elsewhere in my sheets but this does not work. I use Excel 365 in windows 7.

My data is in sheet ‘methodes’ in a row from column C to H, for this case in row 8. I have other sets of data in other rows, these are for other dropdown-lists and they contain between 2 and 6 values, hence column C to H.

Range: (C8:D8) works in the dropdown-list, but not if more than two values (of course)
Range: (C8:H8) works but I get empty rows in my drop-down-lists if less than 6 values exist.
Range: OFFSET(methodes!C8,,,,COUNTA(methodes!C8:H8)) gives no data in dropdown-list
Range: $C8:INDEX($C8:$H8,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(C8:H8="",0),0)-1), no data in the list
Range: (C8:INDEX(C8:H8,COUNTA(C8:H8))), no data in the list.

Some of these give me one empty row in the drop-down-list, but I didn’t note which. None of these give me exactly what I want. What am I doing wrong?