
I have a table of data in Excel of approx 60.000 rows as shown in the Attached document Snippet of database.PNG.

What I need, is an Excel-formula that gives me the number of unique customers pr year and / or last 12 months, pr customer category and pr Revenue group as shown in the Attached report Snippet of report.PNG.

I have tried using this formula to get the no of customers pr Revenue group =SUM(--(FREQUENS(IF(E2:E10<>"";IF(D2:D10=$H$12;MATCH(E2:E10;E2:E10;0)));ROW(E2:E10)-ROW(E2)+1)>0)), but it Returns #NAME?

I will need to ad year and customer category to the formula as well.

I would appreciate it if anybody could help me with this formula, or if there is another formula that could solve my problem.
