Hello, new to online excel forums - hoping someone can help. I’m assuming this will have to be a macro, but unsure how to make this loop work for accurate data extraction.
Need to find a match between two cells on two sheets. Once that occurs, I need to extract data with specific values from Sheet1 over to Sheet2. The number of rows that data each match will occupy on Sheet1 vary, so I need Excel to look for data to copy over beginning the next row down in Column A, and continue to go to the next cell row down in Column A until one of two specific values comes up – then it then needs to stop.
Sheet1 Screenshot:
1) Sheet1 is raw data from a csv file, the material is sorted by a STUDENT_ID number in Column M. The number of rows tied to this STUDENT_ID number will vary by how much information our clients give us, therefore I cannot set a specific range of rows to search within.
Sheet2 Screenshot:
2) Sheet2 is where I'm pulling all needed information from the first sheet, into one row assigned with the same STUDENT_ID number in Column K.
I need to match the STUDENT_ID number from Sheet2, Column K to the same STUDENT_ID number on Sheet1, Column M.
Once the STUDENT_ID numbers match, I need excel to begin a search in 1) Sheet1, Column A, in the VERY NEXT row down from where it located the match.
For example, if STUDENT_ID “7" is matched on Sheet1, M13, I need for it to begin looking for a specific term ‘NOTEORDER’ in Sheet1, A14. If it is a match, I need three items to copy over to Sheet2:
1) The term ‘NOTEORDER’ in Column A to pull over to Sheet2, Column L (L8 in this example).
2) The data from the same row as ‘NOTEORDER’ from Sheet1, Column E (E16 in this example), move it to Sheet2, Column L (L8 in this example).
3) The data from the same row as ‘NOTEORDER’ from Sheet1, Column F (F16 in this case), move it to Sheet 2, Column M (M8 in this case).
If the cell in Sheet1, Column A isn’t a match, I need it to go down to the next row in Sheet 1, Column A, and continue this search until the term ‘PARTICPANT’ comes up, OR the cell is Blank - then it needs to stop searching.
Hopefully someone has an idea for a looping macro on this? I’m stumped. Much appreciated in advance!