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Need a Macro for two sheets, matching and looping, to copy data over.

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Need a Macro for two sheets, matching and looping, to copy data over.

    Hello, new to online excel forums - hoping someone can help. I’m assuming this will have to be a macro, but unsure how to make this loop work for accurate data extraction.

    Need to find a match between two cells on two sheets. Once that occurs, I need to extract data with specific values from Sheet1 over to Sheet2. The number of rows that data each match will occupy on Sheet1 vary, so I need Excel to look for data to copy over beginning the next row down in Column A, and continue to go to the next cell row down in Column A until one of two specific values comes up – then it then needs to stop.

    Sheet1 Screenshot:

    1) Sheet1 is raw data from a csv file, the material is sorted by a STUDENT_ID number in Column M. The number of rows tied to this STUDENT_ID number will vary by how much information our clients give us, therefore I cannot set a specific range of rows to search within.

    Sheet2 Screenshot:

    2) Sheet2 is where I'm pulling all needed information from the first sheet, into one row assigned with the same STUDENT_ID number in Column K.

    I need to match the STUDENT_ID number from Sheet2, Column K to the same STUDENT_ID number on Sheet1, Column M.
    Once the STUDENT_ID numbers match, I need excel to begin a search in 1) Sheet1, Column A, in the VERY NEXT row down from where it located the match.
    For example, if STUDENT_ID “7" is matched on Sheet1, M13, I need for it to begin looking for a specific term ‘NOTEORDER’ in Sheet1, A14. If it is a match, I need three items to copy over to Sheet2:
    1) The term ‘NOTEORDER’ in Column A to pull over to Sheet2, Column L (L8 in this example).
    2) The data from the same row as ‘NOTEORDER’ from Sheet1, Column E (E16 in this example), move it to Sheet2, Column L (L8 in this example).
    3) The data from the same row as ‘NOTEORDER’ from Sheet1, Column F (F16 in this case), move it to Sheet 2, Column M (M8 in this case).
    If the cell in Sheet1, Column A isn’t a match, I need it to go down to the next row in Sheet 1, Column A, and continue this search until the term ‘PARTICPANT’ comes up, OR the cell is Blank - then it needs to stop searching.

    Hopefully someone has an idea for a looping macro on this? I’m stumped. Much appreciated in advance!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by jana_wire; 05-12-2017 at 03:42 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Need a Macro for two sheets, matching and looping, to copy data over.

    On Sheet2, in cell L2, enter the formula


    In M2, enter the formula


    In N2, enter the formula


    and copy down to match your list of student IDs. Note that if column E or F are blank when column A is NOTEORDER then the return will be a 0 and not a blank. If you want to hide the 0s, then use the custom format 0;-0;;@ on the cells in M and N
    Bernie Deitrick
    Excel MVP 2000-2010

  3. #3
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    Re: Need a Macro for two sheets, matching and looping, to copy data over.

    Thank you, Bernie Deitrick! This solved it 100% *If there's any other steps you need for me to credit you with solving this, let me know. This is much appreciated! Cheers!

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