The code I have that works is as follows:
=INDEX(INDIRECT("'Staff data'!"&SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,MATCH($B$4,DDlist,0),4),"1","")&":" & SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,MATCH($B$4,DDlist,0),4),"1","")),MATCH($X:$X,'Staff data'!$Q:$Q,0))
However, as this is repeated in a 15 by 89 (subject to change, can be as many as 50,000) list of data, it takes a long time to calculate the fields.
I am trying to change it so instead of looking at the whole column $Q:$Q, it will look at "$Q1:Q" & AZ1
AZ1 has the formula
=LOOKUP(2,1/('Staff data'!A:A<>""),ROW('Staff data'!A:A))
, in this case, it will return 89.
Now, I can hard code in every instance "$Q1:Q89" and perform a find/replace when appending more records, but I would like this to be dynamic (to reduce the chance of errors occurring should a reference be missed)
Any ideas on how to do this?