Dear Experts,
I am trying to find out the items value based on below 2 criteria (Company & Month).
Somebody could help me to solve this formula issue
Particulars Company Jan Feb Mar Apr
Salary & allowances AAA 131 88 115 133
Discount allowed AAA 91 125 107 132
Rent expenses AAA 130 107 112 111
Salary & allowances BBB 125 123 102 130
Discount allowed BBB 109 120 100 109
Rent expenses BBB 103 121 103 106
Company ALL
Month Jan-Mar
Discount allowed ???
Formula : SUM(INDEX($C$2:$F$7,MATCH($A13,$A$2:$A$7,0),MATCH(LEFT(B$12,3),$C$1:$F$1,0)):INDEX($C$2:$F$7,MATCH($A13,$A$2:$A$7,0),MAT CH(RIGHT(B$12,3),$C$1:$F$1,0)))