I need Formula
For example if I choose salary/dividend/service in B4 cell in any month sheet, the formula should move the income tax value to sufficient cell in Mainform.
I will attach the file to make it clear.
I need Formula
For example if I choose salary/dividend/service in B4 cell in any month sheet, the formula should move the income tax value to sufficient cell in Mainform.
I will attach the file to make it clear.
"if I choose salary/dividend/service in B4"
How are you going to do that?
Or do you want ALL values to appear in the table which is not actually choosing anything.
Ensure you describe your problem clearly, I have little time available to solve these problems and do not appreciate numerous changes to them.
"if I choose salary/dividend/service in B4"
How are you going to do that?
It has drop-down menu attached.
You will need VBA to do this.
No you won't.
Sheet1!E9 has two spaces between "1.2.2:" and service. Change this to one space as per the other descriptions.
in mainform!C3
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("1.1: "&C$2,INDIRECT($B3&"!B$4:E$1000"),4,0),"")
in mainform!D3
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("1.2.1: "&C$2,INDIRECT($B3&"!B$4:E$1000"),4,0),"")
in mainform!E3
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("1.2.2: "&C$2,INDIRECT($B3&"!B$4:E$1000"),4,0),"")
and copy down the columns.
The Income tax values will apear if appropriate.
If you change the selection by drop down menu the mainform sheet will reflect the change.
I have this problem when typing that formula.
You've copied it incorrectly.
If you copy the three formulas into a blank spreadsheet that error doesn't occur so you must have changed something.
Did you do this as suggested above?
"Sheet1!E9 has two spaces between "1.2.2:" and service. Change this to one space as per the other descriptions."
Apologies, the formulas on the forum are different to what I entered on the spreadsheet.
They should be
in mainform!C3
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("1.1: "&C$2,INDIRECT($B3&"!$B$4:E$1000"),4,0),"")
in mainform!D3
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("1.2.1: "&D$2,INDIRECT($B3&"!$B$4:E$1000"),4,0),"")
in mainform!E3
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("1.2.2: "&E$2,INDIRECT($B3&"!$B$4:E$1000"),4,0),"")
and copy down the columns
Last edited by Special-K; 05-11-2017 at 06:37 AM.
That's strange, I had this working yesterday with several figures appearing.
Now I'm only getting a figure for jan/Salary 20%.
I'll take another look at this...
Thank you for your help
The formula is working but another problem is that, for example when i choose salary it appears in all three cells.
I need it to take for example only salary value when i choose it in month sheets.
I'm attaching the file
You've changed the descriptions.
Sheet1 was
1.1 Salary
1.2.1 Dividend
1.2.2 Service
It's now
1.2.1 Salary
1.2.2 Dividend
1.2.3 Service
You've reflected this change correctly in the formulas. But...
Your jan feb mar sheets have different descriptions, e.g. feb has 1.2.1 Dividend, 1.2.1 Dividend doesnt exist on Sheet1.
Same for Mar 1.2.1 Dividend
Apr has 1.2.2 Service, 1.2.2 Service doesnt exist on Sheet1
Also your formulas are incorrect.
They should be
n mainform!C3
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("1.2.1: "&C$2,INDIRECT($B3&"!$B$4:E$1000"),4,0),"")
in mainform!D3
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("1.2.2: "&D$2,INDIRECT($B3&"!$B$4:E$1000"),4,0),"")
in mainform!E3
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP("1.2.3: "&E$2,INDIRECT($B3&"!$B$4:E$1000"),4,0),"")
and copy down the columns
as per post #10
Our format can't recognize ( , )-this symbol
we use ( ; ) instead.
Main problem is that when i choose salary, it takes all three category value in mainforms then when i choose dividend it take rest two, and only third works as it should, because there is no category left.
So when i choose salary it should take only "salary" value and so on.
Last edited by tsikara; 05-11-2017 at 07:40 AM.
The , ; is irrelevant, just change the commas for semi colons as per your regional setting.
Here is a copy of the file with correct figures.
See if you can amend the commas to semicolons
If you have problems with that file then use this file.
I have made each formula a piece of text (inserted ' at the beginning)
Do a Find/Replace , with ;
Manually remove the the apostrophe at the beginning of C3 D3 E3 and the text will change to formulas suited to your region.
Copy them down the columns.
I tried that file but now when i choose salary for exaple in Jan.sheet,in mainform the value appears in salary and in dividend too. the rest two works.
is it possible: when i need to write down more than one salary and i want formula to sum the similar categories and paste it's value to apropriate cell in mainforms
To make it clear
I'm attaching the file
Your sum is wrong in Jan
You're summing E3:E7, surely this should be E4:E7 ?
I cant help you with this, the example data you originally provided was ONE entry for each month tab.
I assumed it was going to be a maximum of 4 different type, but now you have multiple entries per month tab with the same "1.2.1" description so a VLOOKUP won't work.
I don't have any more itme to spend on this as this is getting far more complicated than I envisged.
Hope you find someone to sort this out.
Thank you for your help and spending time
See attached:
in C3 of "Mainform"
=SUMPRODUCT((INDIRECT("'" &B3&"'!$E3:$E100"))*(INDIRECT("'" &B3&"'!$B3:$B100")=C$2))
copy across and down
I changed your drop down to remove the 1.2.1 etc so as to match headings in row 2 of "Mainform"
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