Dear All,

I am having problems of creating a formula that essentially would allow me to calculate a sum by column, while on a different sheet having a vertical output.
At the moment I do the following:

In Q6 =SUM('Raw Data'!AH3:AH225)/SUM('Raw Data'!$AH$3:$AQ$225)
In Q7 =SUM('Raw Data'!AI3:A225)/SUM('Raw Data'!$AH$3:$AQ$225)
And so on....

Essentially "SUM('Raw Data'!AH3:AH225)" are all the values of AH and "SUM('Raw Data'!$AH$3:$AQ$225)" is the total of the columns AH - AQ.
I changed AH -> AI by hand, and I am also aware that I just could do a sum calculation at the end of row 225, but I would like to be able to do it via formula as well.

I know there has to be a simple solution, but my experiments via "=INDEX" haven't been successful so far.

Thank you,
