Looking for a formula that will return a 0 (ZERO) for any date listed in a column that is a Saturday or Sunday, or any date listed as a holiday in a different column. Likewise, looking for a numeric 1 returned if the date is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, but not a designated holiday.
The holiday listing could be more than one date.
The attached provides a number of dates in column A, (which may not necessarily be sorted lowest to highest and each date will likely be listed more than once). The desired result is in column B. Looking for a formula in column C that will produce the desired result.
Note: The ZEROs in the holiday chart provide a place to enter additional dates. They could be designated as a blank entry if not used.
Ultimately, the formula will be imbedded in a formula as an if condition, if that matters.
Any Ideas? Thanks.